Leonard J. Deutsch






Ph.D., English               Kent State University, 1972

M.A., English                City College of New York, 1967

B.A., English                 City College of New York, 1965

Minor, History





As Dean of the Graduate College at Marshall University, I supervised all facets of the school's operation.  In this capacity, I was responsible for 2,000 students per semester and I worked with approximately 450 graduate professors.  I served as interim dean from August 1986 until July 1, 1988.  Under my leadership, Marshall University became a Ph.D. granting institution in November of 1992.


I served as Acting Associate Provost for the 1990-1991 academic year.


In my capacity as campus coordinator for EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research), I oversaw all aspects of this National Science Foundation program at the university and administered a $5,000 planning grant NSF awarded to Marshall University.  An implementation grant worth $1.8 million began in 1990.  It was renewed in 1993 at the level of $2.8 million.


I organized and chaired the ad hoc Science '93 Committee which has raised over one and a half million dollars for science equipment.


As Chair of the English Department, the largest academic department on campus, I supervised 28 full time instructors, several part-time employees, ten graduate assistants, several work-study students, and two secretaries.


Between 1983 and 1985, I served as Director of the Language Arts Preparatory Program.  I conceived and introduced this highly successful program which offered a summer camp for nine-to-fourteen year olds.  The camp employed six full time faculty and three half-time teachers, and had an enrollment of over 50 students.  I was responsible for juggling budgets, scheduling classes, arranging room assignments, selecting faculty, and trying to move bureaucratic mountains.




         Initiated the annual Hooding Ceremony

         Created the Graduate Dean's Advisory Board

         Served as campus coordinator for EPSCoR which raised the research profile of the university

         Spearheaded development of Graduate Certificate programs

         Started the TA Training Workshops

         Wrote The Teubert Foundation grant which jump-started the certification program for teachers of the blind and visually impaired

         Established the Ronald McNair Scholars Minority Graduate Assistantship with Concord College

         Initiated the Financial Aid brochure and other publications for graduate students

         Inaugurated the ETD requirement

         Created numerous awards, including

-         Outstanding Graduate Faculty Advising Award

-         Distinguished Graduate Student Alumnus Award

-         Graduate College Reassigned Time

-         Summer Thesis Grants

         Marshall developed its first four doctoral programs

         Served as self-study coordinator for Higher Learning Commission (North Central) comprehensive regional accreditation visit that occurred in April of 2006.





Honors English, City College of New York

New York State Regents Scholarships, 1960-64

Assistantship to Rice University, 1966-67

Scholarship offers declined:  University of California, Davis, 1966-67; University of Wisconsin, 1966-67; University of Arizona, 1966-67.

Teaching-Fellow, Kent State University, 1967-70

Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellow (Ethnic Studies), 1971-72

Humanities Foundation of West Virginia, summer grant, 1981

National Science Foundation, EPSCOR planning grant, 1989

Teubert Charitable Trust grant, $43,800, 1998

Sloan Foundation, Phase A grant, $8,150, 2002
Marshall University Distinguished Service Award, 2006-2007
Marshall University Distinguished Service Award, 2008-2009
A painted portrait was hung in the Forensic Science building, 2010





I served three years at Kent State University as a Teaching-Fellow.  During that time, I taught six courses a year including Composition, Poetry, and a Senior Colloquium in Black Literature.


Hired at Marshall University in September of 1970, I am currently tenured at that institution.  Besides teaching Freshman Composition on a regular basis, I have also taught American Literature (graduate and undergraduate), Black Literature, Major African-American Authors, The Short Story, and Film and Fiction (a course I designed and introduced at Marshall University).


In addition, I have taught a course in the American Novel to 1915, and a Seminar in Literary Studies for the West Virginia College of Graduate Studies; and, on a part-time basis, I have taught American Literature, Drama, Advanced Composition, Great Books, and the Comic Mode in Literature for Ohio University at the Ironton, Ohio, campus.


For my approach to teaching, the Black United Students at Marshall named me an "Outstanding Educator" in 1975.





Revenue Enhancement

Multicultural Commission

Academic Planning

Academic Standards and Curricular Review

Faculty Development

Research Committee

Graduate Committee/Graduate Council

University Functions

Catalog Revision (chair)

Search Committee for College of Education Dean (chair)

Search Committee for Assistant Provost (chair)

Search Committee for College of Business Dean

Search Committee for Grants Officer

Search Committee for VP, Research and Economic Development

Faculty Concerns Committee, English Department (chair).

Evaluated such personnel matters as promotion, retention, and tenure.

Budget and Appropriations

Computer Literacy Subcommittee

Dean's Advisory Council, College of Liberal Arts

Biotech Integration Council (Chair)

Core Curriculum Task Force





“Hello, Aristotle,“ Free Inquiry, February/March 2021 vol. 41, no. 2, p. 37.


The Changing Nature of the Comprehensive  Assessment as the Culminating Experience for the Acquisition of the Master's Degree,” co-author Bobbi Nicholson, IR Applications (Association for Institutional Research), XIII, February 14, 2006, pp 1-10.


Greenlee, Sam,” Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature, ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 2005, pp 884-887 (vol. 2).


“Kelley, William Melvin,” Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature, ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 2005, pp. 1223-1225 (vol. 3).


“Redding, J. Saunders,”  Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature, ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 2005, pp. 1864-1867 (vol. 4).


“Spencer, Anne,” Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature, ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 2005, pp. 2091-2093 (vol. 4).


"Ellison's Early Fiction”, reprinted in Short Story Criticism. ed. Anna Sheets. Gale Research Detroit, 1997, pp.6-11.


"Ralph Ellison Obituary”, Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1994  ed.  James W. Hipp. Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc., Detroit and London, 1995, pp. 261-265.


"The Sky is Gray," an essay about Ernest Gaines' story, The Reference Guide to American Literature, St. James Press, Detroit and London, 1994, pp. 1039-1040.


"Ralph Ellison" entry in Essential Bibliography of Fiction.  ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Judith S.  Baughman.  Foreward by Keneth Kinnamon.  Manly, Inc. and Facts on File, Inc., New York, 1994, pp. 19-31.


"Carter G. Woodson" entry in Black Writers:  A Selection of Sketches from Contemporary Authors.  Second edition.  ed. Sharon Malinowski, Gale Research, Inc., Detroit, MI, 1993, pp. 678-680.


"Henry Louis Gates" entry updated in Black Writers:  A Selection of Sketches from Contemporary Authors.  Second edition.  ed. Sharon Malinowski, Gale Research, Inc., Detroit, MI, 1993, pp. 237-240.


"Ann Kathryn Flagg, 1924-1970," in the Proceedings of the First Two Conferences on West Virginia's Black History.  ed. Joe W. Trotter, Jr., and A. Bickley, 1991, pp. 289-315.


"Ralph Ellison," Bibliography of American Fiction:  1919-1988.  Facts on File, New York, 1991, pp. 161-166.


"Graduate Faculty Appointments: Deciding Who Teaches in Master's Degree Programs." Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting, Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, D.C., 1991, pp. 115-119.


"Invisible Man and the European Tradition", a chapter in Approaches to Teaching Ellison's Invisible Man (part of the Approaches to Teaching World Masterpieces Series), ed. Susan Resneck Parr and Pancho Savery, Modern Language Association of America, New York, 1989, pp. 96-101.


"Golden Anniversary: The Graduate School is Meeting Demands of our Complex Society”, Marshall Alumnus, Winter 1989, pp. 18-19.


"Introduction" to The Plays of Ann Kathryn Flagg, ed. Dr. Ancella Bickley. Amistad, Inc., West Virginia, 1988.


"Ralph Ellison," Afro-American Writers 1940-1955, Volume 76 of the DLB series.  ed. T. Harris, Gale Research Company, A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book, Detroit, 1988, pp. 37-55.


"Ralph Waldo Ellison,The New Consciousness, 1941-1968: Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography. Gale Research Company, A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book, Detroit, 1987, pp. 185-197.


"Ann Kathryn Flagg," an essay on the Black dramatist, chosen by a blind referee process from approximately sixty submissions, was published along with fifteen other essays in Missing Chapters II, a project of the West Virginia Women's Commission, 1986, pp. 86-99.


"The Named and the Unnamed," a chapter on Sounder, in Children's Novels and the Movies. ed. Douglas Street, Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, New York, 1983, pp. 214-226.


"Afro-American Writers of West Virginia" (53 pages) was supported by a Humanities Foundation of West Virginia grant during the summer of 1981.  It is catalogued in the Morrow Library, Marshall University, and is available through inter-library loan.


"The Unpublished Manuscripts of Rudloph Fisher:  Description and Commentary," Obsidian: Black Literature in Review, VII:2 (Summer 1980), pp. 82-87.


"The Streets of Harlem:  The Short Stories of Rudolph Fisher," Phylon, XL:2 (June 1979), pp. 159-171.


"Cajun Culture - An Interview," MELUS, VI:1 (Spring 1979), pp. 81-89.


"Ralph Ellison," American Novelists Since World War II (part of the Dictionary of Literary Biography series) ed. Helterman and Layman. Gale Research Corporation, Bruccoli Clark Publishers, Detroit, 1978, pp. 153-141.


"A Corrected Bibliography for Rudolph Fisher,Bulletin of Bibliography, XXXVI:1 (January-March 1978), pp. 30-33.


"The Waste Land in Ellison's Invisible Man," Notes on Contemporary Literature, VII:4 (September 1977), pp. 5-6.

"Is  Appalachian Literature an Ethnic Literature?," MELUS, III:4 (Winter 1976), pp. 21-24.


"Ligeia's Satire on Transcendentalism," Bulletin of West Virginia Association of College English Teachers, III:2 (Fall 1976), pp. 19-22.


"Ellison's Early Fiction," Negro American Literature Forum, VII:2 (Summer 1973), pp. 53-59.


"Ralph Waldo Ellison and Ralph Waldo Emerson:  A Shared Moral Vision," College Language Association Journal, XVI:2 (December 1972), pp. 159-178.


I was co-founder and Editor of Penumbra; my poems have been published in this and other poetry magazines including Black Sun, Congress, and Kauri.


For three years, 1973-76, I served as Editor-in-Chief of the West Virginia Civil Liberties Union Newsletter.


I edited and wrote a preface for the Fourteenth Annual English Institute Proceedings which contained an address by Dr. Edward Stone on Billy Budd and a panel discussion of Melville.





December 8, 2006, Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, D. C., a presentation:  “Funding at Master's Institutions”.


April 8, 2005, co-presented with Dr. Jan Fox, “Using Microsoft SharePoint for Preparing an Institutional Self-Study” at the NCA/HLC annual meeting in Chicago.


October 14, 2004, served as co-chair of session on “Educational Challenges” at the Third International Conference on Healthcare Systems, Charleston, WV.


December 6, 2001, I presented a paper: “Master's Focused Institutions: Comprehensive

Examinations and Capstone Projects” at the Council of Graduate School's annual conference in San Diego.


February 2000, I participated in a panel discussion at the Conference of Southern Graduate

Schools in Nashville, TN, on the changes occurring in master's degree programs.


March 5, 2000, I chaired a session on “African-American Writers in Appalachia” at Piecing It Together: Ethnicity and Gender in Appalachia held at Marshall University.


December 2-3, 1999, I chaired a session, “the Role of Faculty in Predominantly Master's

Institutions,” and the next day presented a paper, “The Role of Research in

Predominantly Master's Institutions” at the Council of Graduate Schools' annual meeting, Washington, D. C.


October 23-25, 1997, At the Women in West Virginia Conference, Institute (West Virginia State College), I gave a paper during the session entitled: “No More 'Missing Chapters': A Look Back and Forward.”


October 3, 1997, I spoke on “Hoboing Transformed into Art: Ralph Ellison's Short Stories of the Depression Era,” at Bang, Boom, Bust and Bang (Again): The Space Between: Precursors and Aftermaths, 1915 - 1945, Reno, Nevada.


December 6, 1990, I presented findings of national research on the appointment process to the Graduate Faculty.  This was part of a session, "Master's Only Institutions; Maintaining Program Integrity."  Council of Graduate Schools, San Francisco, California.


Invited as Keynote speaker at the West Virginia Communications Association's Annual Conference, October, 1989. I spoke on "Research: The Role of Graduate Students."


Spring 1988, I presided at the Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia Sixteenth Annual Conference session featuring a presentation by Dr. Ronald G. Shafer.


April 22, 1988, I read a paper, "Ann Flagg, Dramatist," at the West Virginia Conference on Black History in Charleston, West Virginia.


November 12, 1982, I read a paper, "Moral Dilemmas in the Work of John Frederick Matheus," at SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, Georgia).


Fall 1982, I chaired a session, "Utilizing Computers in British Studies" at the Carolinas Symposium on British Studies (Appalachian State University).


Fall 1981, I chaired a SAMLA session in Louisville, Kentucky.  The next day I read a paper, "The Black Literary Tradition in West Virginia," at the Middle-Atlantic Writers Association Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, November 6, 1981.


Fall 1980, I served as Secretary to a SAMLA session on "Ethnic Writing in the South" (Atlanta, Georgia).


Fall 1978, I delivered a paper, "The Cinematic Nature of Dickens' Great Expectations," at West Virginia University's Colloquium on the Art of Film.


Fall 1976, I gave the bicentennial talk on "The Contributions of Black Americans, 1776-1976," for the West Virginia Association of Humanists.


I have given numerous radio talks in Huntington and in Charleston, West Virginia.  Moreover, I continue to attend regional and national professional meetings.





May 2006, I served as a paid consultant to assess graduate education at the College of Charleston in South Carolina.  I produced an eleven page report.


I was part of the North Central Association's accreditation team that visited the following universities:  Bradley University, (comprehensive visit), November 6‐8, 2000; Argosy University, (focus visit), November 8‐11, 2004; Missouri State University, (comprehensive visit), November 7‐9, 2005; Indiana University East, (focus visit), November 10‐11, 2006.


September 19‐21, 2004, hired as a consultant by Radford University regarding their graduate program in Psychology.


Appointed by President Debra Stewart on May 20, 2003 to serve on the Council of Graduate Schools' Committee on Master's Education in Predominately Master's Institutions.


August 2000 I was asked to serve as a reviewer for Communicator, a nationally distributed periodical published in Washington, D. C.


 Spring 2000 issue of Marshall Magazine highlights my contributions to the EPSCOR program, pp. 34-39.


At West Virginia State College's Student Leadership program on April 1, 1999, I made a presentation about “Graduate and Professional Schools,” Institute, WV.


I was a member of North Central Association's accreditation team visit to Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, May 4-5, 1998 and Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs, March 13-15, 1997.


Henry Louis Gates, in his Preface to the Norton Anthology of African American Literature, 1997 (pages xxxiii-xxxiv) discusses the difficulty I had in assembling a dissertation committee as a touchstone to the state of African American studies at that time.


September 20, 1996, I addressed Leadership West Virginia at their Fairmont meeting: Education in West Virginia -- Present and Future.  My presentation was entitled “Post Baccalaureate Programs.”


On May 26, 1995, I introduced Jan Karski who spoke on "The Final Solution: Messenger from Poland" at the World War II Crusade and Legacy Conference, Marshall University. I also chaired the session on "The Holocaust and the Voice of Conscience."


I serve on the Southern Conference of Graduate Schools' thesis awards committee.


I presented a seminar on "Opportunities in Graduate Education" to the National Society of Black Engineers," December 11, 1993, at the Cabell County Library, Huntington, WV.


November 1‐3, 1993, comprehensive visit to University of North Dakota.


Consultant for Virginia Council on Higher Education. Assessed Hampton University's readiness to escalate to Ph.D. status by helping to evaluate their proposed doctorate in Physics.  May 26-28,1992.


During the summers of 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989, I served as an evaluator of humanities grant proposals submitted to the New Jersey Department of Higher Education.


Besides serving as national membership chairperson of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, I served for years on the Editorial Advisory Board of their journal, MELUS.  I have written numerous book reviews for this journal and other periodicals.


From 1987 to 1992, I edited the annual issues of Research in Review which highlights research projects at Marshall University.


1988-94, member of the steering committee for the West Virginia Conference on Black History.





Software Valley (member)

Blind Ambition, Inc. (Advisory Board member)

Tri-State AIDS Task Force (“buddy” to AIDS patients)

Teubert Interagency Council for the Blind and Visually Impaired (chair of Education Committee)

American Lung Association of West Virginia (Board of Directors member)

Huntington Institute for Research and Education, Veterans Administration (Board of Directors member)

Forensic Science Program Advisory Committee (member)

Cabell County Tobacco Free Coalition (member)

Educational Testing Service's GRE Master's Advisory Committee (member)



Marshall University Child Development Academy Advisory Board (member)

Forensic Science Program Advisory Committee (member)

Tri-State AIDS Task Force (office staff)

Huntington Museum of Art (docent)

Cabell County Tobacco Free Coalition (chair, Legislative Committee)

Harmony House (assist homeless individuals apply online for employment) 

Usher for Marshall University's Artist Series

Volunteer docent for Heritage Farm (occasionally)

Member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America